

Page history last edited by Brian Grenier 15 years, 11 months ago

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Blogging in the Classroom

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Blogging in the Classroom


"Education … has produced a vast population able to read but unable to distinguish what is worth reading."  

      – G. M. Trevelyan (1876-1962) British historian


What is a Blog?


The word weblog is derived from the words “web” (referring to the World Wide Web) and “log” (meaning to write or record).  The term weblog is commonly shortened to just “blog”, and refers to web-based publications, or postings, on an author’s blog site. 


From an educational standpoint, blogs provide a means for administrators, teachers, and students to read, reflect, write, and comment on their own, and others’ writings.  In its simplest form, blogging is about reading and writing. Blogging is about communication!

Blog Providers


Blog Safety


If you listen close enough to the conversations going on surrounding the topic of incorporating blogs with your students in class, you are bound to hear that we, as educators, should NOT allow our students to blog.  Reasons for this point-of-view vary, but usually boil down to a fear that students will either be approached inappropriately, or come across information that is deemed (often rightly so) inappropriate.  This fear, however, should not deter us from allowing our students to participate in the conversations occurring all across the blogosphere.  This fear should not cause us to shun an extremely important mode of communication and literacy in our classrooms.   What we need to be made aware of, and teach to our students is that there are some simple rules to follow that will allow us to blog safely.


  1. When students are blogging, or for that matter posting anything to the internet, it is important that they understand that they should do everything possible to keep their "online" self separate and private from their "offline" self, even if this means "making up" an anonymous profile.
  2. Do not allow students to use their last names when publishing their posts.  A good idea is to have your students create pseudonyms for themselves, or simply to use their initials.
  3. Never post personal information like addresses or phone numbers.
  4. Do not, under any circumstance, agree to meet with someone you have met online.
  5. Students must understand that what they post to the Web is essentially there forever, and thus they should not post material that could harm their reputation now, or in the future. Do not post anything that you wouldn’t want your parents, your best friend, your worst enemy, or a future employer to read.
  6. Do not use profanity, nor attack others in your writing.  While it is perfectly legitimate to disagree with another's point of view, it is important that you state you opposing view in a civilized fashion.
  7. Don't plagiarize!  It is fine to quote another person, but give credit to the source by providing a link.


For more information on Internet Safety visit iLearn Online

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Brian's Blogging Bookmarks







Link to Presentation






















Blogging Workshop Participants




Additional Resources and Articles


 Tools and Resources

 Additional Reading and Listening

 Brian Recommends These Books

  • SupportBlogging.com
  • Flickr
  • Technorati - an Internet search engine for searching blogs. As of December 2006, Technorati indexes over 55 million weblogs.  Users can search blogss by keywords found in blog posts, or by specific tags.
    • Setting Up a Technorati Account - video from the folks at Capture the Conversation the walks you through the process of setting up a new Technorati account and some of the basic features of Technorati.
  • ClustrMaps - see at a glance where your site's visitors are located: instantaneously, even when the numbers are enormous! Visitors don't need to click on anything: just viewing your page is sufficient.
  • TeacherTube
  • HTML Quick Reference Card
  • Web 2.0 in the Classroom (MP3) - Steve Hargadon's interview of Terry and Elaine Freedman (website)
  • Educational Blogging (MP3) - Steve Hargadon's interview of Will Richardson (website)
  • A Conversation with El Paso Teachers (MP3) - an impromptu conversation about the changing nature of information and what it means for our classrooms.
  • Pay Attention (video) - This presentation was created in an effort to motivate teachers to more effectively use technology in their teaching.
  • Did You Know? (video) - Wonderful, concise video that helps raise awareness of the issues of globalization in our newly connected world first raised in Thomas Friedman's book, The World is Flat.
  • Sustained Blogging in the Classroom by Jeff Utecht  - Starting to use blogs in your classroom is one thing, actually embedding them into how you teach and sustaining them as a learning tool over time is something completely different. In the past 3 years, Jeff has helped numerous teachers set up blogs with their students. Some have continued to use blogs as a learning tool, others have given up not able to sustain blogging in their classroom. In this presentation we’ll look at some ways that you can successfully embed blogs into your daily routine and look at examples from teachers around the world who have made blogging part of just what they do in the classroom.






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